I am sure we have all seen this image floating around on Pinterest, Facebook, and other social media.
Well we both decided to give it a try.
Directions seem simple enough.
Worth a shot right?
I have read in other areas that you eat whatever you normally would
while doing this so we are going to do just that.
Calls for 60 oz of water (Distilled or pure?)
Well we are not buying bottled water, we have spring water from our well so it will have to do.
a Tbsp of "sugar free" cranberry juice
Since Cranberry juice can't truly be sugar free I got Just Cranberry Juice.
It is like $7 at Publix. Most Cranberry juices you get in grocery stores are not true cranberry juice, they are mixed with apple and grape juices. Read the ingredients to know what you are getting.
1 Dandelion root tea bag
and 2 Tbsp lemon juice
I have found that 1 lemon = about 2 Tbsp lemon juice.
For the 60 oz of water I just used an old juice bottle that held 60 oz of juice and filled with tap water.
I took about a cup out to heat up for the tea bag, letting it seep for about 5 mins before returning it to the big bottle.
Everything mixed together.
It taste very bitter to me, but still tolerable.
Rachel said it taste like lemon water.
We will see how it works!
In 7 Days we will give you our results!
(Credit: Spongebob Squarepants)
Well it's a week later and we have to say we are not completely satisfied.
Rachel (who was on her period) did feel less bloated, but it didn't show. She lost about 2 lbs in actual weight.
I didn't loose anything. I didn't like the taste, and began hating it more and more everyday.
The ingredients were kind of expensive.
One good thing did come from this, Rachel found that she really likes Dandelion Root tea.
And the tea can help lower blood pressure! So Yay for me too.
If you have extra money and bloating is a severe enough problem for you, then Rachel would recommend it.
I on the other hand wouldn't.